Monday, February 28, 2011


Hilda and her kids! Except the two youngest boys are the kids of a lady we used to teach

Monday, February 14, 2011


This is Dolly. Maybe again, because I cant remember if I sent this picture. We dont have any pictures with Johnathon yet. I actually am not even sure how to correctly spell his name. I will find out on his baptisimal record! And send some pictures with him in white. Yes!

 If you look really closly you will see us at the visitor center with Jorge. We took him to see the Joseph Smith movie and afterwards he testified about prophets and why they are so important. He has a bit of a swearing problem and used some words im sure have never been said that close to the temple, but were working on it. He also told us a pointless story about how he was offended by an arizona pizza place that said they had the best pizza since he used to live in chicago. Then he found out it was chicago style pizza. We love him anyways.

Waiting with Cecy and Deanna for there ride after church. Cecy got bit by a scorpian about two years ago and told god if he sent help she would do anything he wanted. Guess who showed up that same day? Missionaries! They taught her the first lesson and she has been a faithfull member ever since. She already went through the temple and we are working with her husband.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


There was leadership training this week so we had Hermana Scott with us for four days. She is interesting and speaks good spanish and only has one transfer left. Isnt that a great picture? I have some jumping skills.

Our branch cancels dinner on us alot so we starve or eat cereal. The last time it happened we just went with the other Hermanas to their dinner appointment. It was way fun. Doing stuff with other missionaries is always fun. Like the hike.

You may have spotted Silvia and Maria, the recent converts, in this picture. They are such a funny family. The other girl is visiting and the biggest 14 year old I have ever seen. They all came to church yesterday and there was a baby blessing. During the blessing I hear Maria's friend ask "are they baptizing it?" and Maria says "Yeah, probably." I guess we still have a little to teach her.

This is at the beginning of the hike. It was so dark to begin with, well obviously because the sun had not risen yet. People besides me had flashlights and their where no injuries.

This is at the top. Please feel free to send this to ADIDAS for there next clothing ad.

We made it! This is my zone except minus some whimpy sisters. It was such a cool view! We would of stayed up there longer but we realized we where wasting our pday.


The injury. This is in the night after I washed all the rocks out. Please notice the bruises and what looks to be tiger scratches. Don't worry, I think its cool

Mafia Jorge. He came with us to a baptism and then stayed for a stake talent night.

Exchanges with Hermana Tejada. I avoided saying her name all day because I wasnt sure how to say it correctly. She is from the Dominican Republic and she used to be Jehovahs Witness. So cool and very interesting.

Me and my companion in the morning before we really understood how hard it was to ride bikes.


We went to the temple this morning! I know I look like a loner in the back there but its just because I tall I swear! And my companion is front and center if you wondered. We went to the 6 session so we had to wake up super early. Way fun and spiritual
Moving Hermana Juarez! It was on Sunday so we had to be so rushed so we wouldnt miss church. They ask you not to as a missionary. Actually as a normal member too. I had to be on exchanges with a member we live with for saturday night which was so weird.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Two of my future companions and my big white head. They are both from Guatamela and are hilarious. We are praying to be in a trio, them in english and me in spanish because we need to practice. 

At the dinner. On my left are english sisters who are in my zone that I get along great with. We went to their house this morning and its a mansion! They fed us breakfast and we gave them a ride to here to email.

My MTC district reunited! Well a few of us. The others went to Guatamela and Texas.


Look what game I played! That little girl is the granddaughter of the people we live with. 

Who knew? This is at the church building where we have district meeting.

Spanish study time on Christmas Eve. We only talked in spanish.

My district on christmas. Our stake president had us over and gave us those huge stockings full of gifts. Food and toiletrys and such. What a nice guy

I made a pie with his wife while everyone else called home because I did it earlier in the day. Yeah it was pretty awkward. But shes a nice lady. Shes the one who called you mom. She has a son on a mission in Ukraine


We had a zone lunch at Tasty Joes. Im the forehead with eyes. Lots of people came 
up and talked to us. There are so many members here! 

At the baptism! The boy is Silvias born in Burley son and the other girl is a 
friend of Maria who we used to teach. During the prayer at the baptism the lady said 
"we are also thankful that silvias son Nestor could come" and he said "thanks" 
really loud. Haha I mean jajaja.

Our christmas tree that I made. The bottom bunk is mine and its huge! I never 
thought the biggest bed I ever had would be on my mission.


Me and my first district on our last day together. I may or may not be the worlds tallest person but I think thats an optical illusion because one of those elders is taller then me.

Me and my comp enjoying our cake with Manuel on the table he set up outside.


Thanksgiving dinner. No joke. And thats a recent convert who is so cool named Manuel. He started drinking when he was eight and stopped after the first lesson. But as you can see from the picture I ate it. Ok I didnt. Would you? Its aparently parts of the pig that everyone eats just cooked different. I dont know about you but I NEVER eat those parts of the pig.

I made the cookie pack mom sent while my companion was sleeping. I tried to take pictures by myself and this is what happened. The first one is while they where cooking and the second is obviously when they where done. They where not fully cooked but I ate three. Arent those pictures precious?


We got a p-day on thanksgiving morning so my zone played volleyball and then watched "the best two years" in the high counsalers room. And we ate candy canes.

We took these investigators to the visitor center and they loved it. Cant you tell by there faces? We stayed for 3 hours.

Could I look creepier? This is an important picture so I had to send it. We caught that little guy on the curtain in the house. His mom is somewhere near! Unlike my mom. Just kidding.


This girl is crazy. Her mom is an investigator and she cant sit down for two minutes. She hits me sometimes but thats how she shows her love I guess. She is alot like Eli. She is only three but she is huge! She cant speak english so we cant speak at all

The cake my home family gave me. It was so delicious. And yes, I look that homely every day.


These are everywhere. We usually see bigger ones but they move really fast and it would scare me to be that close to them. We also have seen two bunnys and some mice. Arizona is amazing.

There was a new stake center built here that they used for the first time my second sunday here. Its really big and nice. They had an open house which we gave tours at. We handed out 90 invitations in spanish and not one of our people showed up. It was a bit disappointing. But we got to take home the extra cinamon rolls so it worked out well.

Here are all my favorite trailor children. Please notice the "no parking to this area" painted on the wall. The couch is a new addition to that spot and looking back we probably shouldnt have sat on it. Which reminds me we where supposed to go teach one of the recent converts again the other day but she called and said her whole family had lice. Actually she said they had directly translated from spanish "little animals" which can mean bugs too I guess. We where just in there house like two days before that so im a little worried. I will keep you posted.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


This is my zone. Most are english speaking and most of the sisters are working at the visitor center too. I dont really know any of them yet and they dont know me. Hopefully that will change because its hard to not have any friends.

Me and my trainer, Hermana Nielsen. She is from Michigan and she is the second of eight kids. She speaks really good spanish which she learned from the mission even though her dad is from Argentina and speaks spanish. He decided not to teach his kids spanish when they where younger and they could of learned easier. Sound familiar? Just kidding Dad. She only has two months left and she goes to BYU. She has a brother who is 25 that is going to marry Casey. Her social security number is... Ok I think I told you enough.

That is a snake. Can you believe I was that close? Neither can I. We had a trunk or treat thing at the sketchy apartments and some guy brought huge spiders and snakes and stuff. Other people came over drunk. Its a rough neighborhood.

The cutest kids who love me even though the younger ones cant understand me and I cant understand them. They just started preschool so hopefully they will learn more english or I will learn more spanish and then we can have a conversation. They all live in an apartment together and im not sure which are cousins and which are siblings. There are more not pictured too. In one room there is a mom and six kids.